NFDInspector is designed to facilitate the inspection of formal quality issues pertaining to research data. It is currently compatible with the LIDO and EAD metadata standards. The project has been funded by the “4Memory Incubator Funds” of the NFDI4Memory consortium and is being developed and maintained by the Montanhistorisches Dokumentationszentrum (montan.dok) of the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum.
To install with pip on macOS or Linux, run:
python3 -m pip install nfdinspector
To install with pip on Windows, run:
py -m pip install nfdinspector
The identification of errors and the measurement of quality in the rapidly growing data collections of memory and research institutions is becoming an increasingly quantitative challenge. In order to meet this challenge, the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum and montan.dok are developing practical, freely reusable tools for the systematic assurance of data quality in structured research data from museums and archives, funded by the NFDI4Memory Incubator Funds.
To this end, the DBM and montan.dok are developing a series of software applications written in the Python programming language. These tools are designed to facilitate the identification of formal quality deficiencies in standardized data collections, enabling the generation of comprehensive error reports. The initial focus is on LIDO and EAD(DDB), which serve as the common exchange formats for cataloguing data from archives and museums. The tools are published as open source and under a free licence as a package in the ‘Python Package Index’ (PyPI) so that they can be easily reused and form the basis for further applications. This should enable the quality criteria to be further developed in NFDI4Memory and other NFDI consortia to be directly translated into practicable applications and measures to improve data quality in memory and research institutions.
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